Tech. Specifications
We are manufacturers of industrial pulpers, also known as pulpators. They are ideal for obtaining the pulp of various fruits such as mango, maracuya, aguaymanta, among others, while separating the peel and pepas.
The fruit pulper has a capacity that varies according to the type of product and mesh, for example with mango is 150 kg/h and with whole maracuya is 70 kg/h. In terms of weight, this equipment operates at approximately 95 kg.
The material with which the fruit pulper has been constructed is stainless steel AISI 304. In addition, this machine has a control unit with on-off control, which indicates operation and process by means of light signaling.
The machine has also been designed with a supply-type feed
hopper, which provides product to the pre-chamber, and has been designed with a camera formed by horizontal paddles. The sieves can be 1.5 and 3.0 mm in size as required by the customer.
Finally, the fruit pulper has a front cover (with bolt fixing and door for unloading peps and shells with discharge light regulator bolt) and top cover (with safety guards allows chamber visibility and cleaning).