Tech. Specifications
It has a rotary system with water spray.
The Rotary Washer, made from AISI 304 stainless steel, has a capacity of approximately 400-500 kg/h and is equipped with a frequency inverter that transforms the motor speed to the required. In addition, it has a control unit consisting of engine speed control and run-stop control, which indicates operation/process by light signaling.
On one hand, the machine has a horizontal rotating chamber and sieve with rotating filtration system and product retention system. The turning system is carried out by means of self-centering chumbs and a motor-driven center bar. On the other hand, the spray system consists of pipes, hoses and nozzles to expel the shower type pressurized water.
The Rotary Washer machine is also equipped with a constant power supply type feed hopper from a feeder and is equipped with a front
hopper for unloading the washed product.